
Dyplapsia of the hip, clubfoot, limb deformity

PAEDIATRICS orthopaedic surgeon in launceston

Dr. Marshall treats many paediatric orthopaedic conditions including developmental dysplasia of the hip, clubfoot and limb deformity. 

A team based approach to paediatrics is important and as such Dr. Marshall will often involve other health specialists in your care:

Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip

Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is a paediatric condition that affects the development of the normal hip.  When identified and treated early, DDH is often amenable to utilisation of a hip abduction brace. Guidance in the utilisation of bracing and requirement for further surgery can be provided by specialist care.


Clubfoot is a condition that occurs in the neonatal period causing a baby’s foot to be turned inward. Early identification and treatment is key to improving foot function in the long term. 

Limb deformity

Deformity of the upper and lower limb can occur in a range of conditions. Treatment of these conditions can involve correction of certain deformities both in the paediatric and adolescent population.